Comprehensive data on weather, climate and air quality in cities are unfortunately still available to a limited extent. Within the framework of the BMBF programme Module B therefore processed already available data and collected new or missing data by means of long-term observations, intense observation periods, physical modelling and specific meassurement campaigns. In order to support the exchange of observation and model data between the project partners beyond the module boundaries e.g. for the evaluation of the urban climate model PALM-4U or urban climatological and scientific studies, a data management system (DMS) was developed by sub-project 1 of Module B.
The use of a uniform data format as well as binding conventions for the use of data and metadata is an essential prerequisite for their effective and efficient administration in the DMS. In addition, a uniform data standard also enables the development and provision of innovative tools for the analysis and visualization of complex and very heterogeneous data.
For more information about data management, data policy, data standard document and data tables view: